We made our usual trek as a family for Saturday night dinner. Alan and Michelle made a prolonged study of the menu. Since I had already made up my mind, I had nothing else to do, so I HAD to take a photo. I caught this one as Alan looked up. Without saying a word, he asked me why I was taking another photo, especially one of him. I love that boy.
I am very grateful to be able to work as an ophthalmologist. My job is a wonderful blessing in my life. Yet, it was a very long week. Sometimes I grow weary in trying to meet the needs of all the people that I am to care for. As I left the office late tonight, I was happy to see the walkway of pavers that would lead me to my car and then to my home.
Some time ago, my scribe at work mentioned a type of bread she really liked. It was said to be very healthy and delicious as well. I remembered the name and picked up a loaf at Walmart. It really is good. Michelle also loves it and said she can’t buy any other type of bread now. Short of homemade bread, this is it!
We love to complain about the roads and the traffic. But this is one of those blessings that we clearly take for granted most of the time. We live in a country with beautiful highways. We are free to travel about, at our will, with a level of efficiency that many coutries are not able to achieve. I am grateful for mobility.
I look forward to our semi-annual General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. After the conference is over, I regularly re-listen to the talks over the subsequent months, usually listening to a few talks each week. For the first time, I recently listened to a 13 minute Highlights audio file which contains sound bites from the talks of the prophet and apostles. I found this an interesting slant, to take in brief highlights from many of the talks in one short sitting. I hope you will enjoy the attached audio file.