Posts in Category: Gratitude

Gratitude365- iPhone (KNM#147)

Whether you hate it or love it, the iPhone revolutionized the role of technology for many of us. The iPhone quickly became a powerful convergence device- one device became a phone, an MP3 player, a podcast catcher, a camera, a GPS unit, and much more. Now, many additional, capable Smart Phones are on the scene and the world will never look back. I, for one, am grateful for the convenience that these powerful devices bring to my life. Below is a photo of one of the first public copies of the iPhone as it was introduced at Macworld Expo in early 2007. 

Gratitude365- Peaceful Moments (KNM#A146)

I am thankful for peaceful, beautiful places that come into our lives. We don’t need exotic trips or large budgets to find these restful moments. I think these treasures are all around us- we just need to pay attention, to be able to “see” them.

Gratitude365- Sense of Humor (KNM#145)

More and more I appreciate those who bring humor to the table. Their expressions brighten the day’s events. As Jill’s 40th birthday approached, she and Dr Fant discussed birthday gifts. Jill specifically requested “nothing short of three carats”. Dr Fant didn’t miss a beat and when Jill opened her gift on the big day, she was thrilled to get more than three- in fact a whole bunch of carrots. Kudos to Dr Fant for keeping us laughing. 

Gratitude365- Fascination with Light (KNM#144)

In recent years I find myself “enrolled” as a student of light. I am especially fascinated by seeing ordinary subjects in beautiful illumination- in this setting, the mundane comes alive. I find myself looking for great light during my day-to-day travels. This brings an element of creativity to what might otherwise be routine experiences and observations.


Gratitude365- Smiling Again (KNM#143)

My little friend Amy had a scary bout with intussusception where a small piece of the intestine telescopes inside of itself. Untreated it can be a fatal event But Heavenly Father, Amy’s wonderful family, caring friends, and a well trained medical team all came to Amy’s rescue. I am thankful to see her smiling again.