I have experienced enough of life to realize that I really am happiest when I am of service to others. It is counter-intuitive, but giving to others often brings more to us than we might obtain by seeking out our own needs. I am grateful for the LDS Church and for other churches and organizations that give us concrete opportunities to give service. I felt a bit beat when I left work today, but I was glad I could but on my badge and join my wife and friends in our ESL class.
Michelle and I joined some friends for a wonderful dinner outing last weekend. We learned about a couple of interesting food options from Costco. Always up for trying something new, I purchased the fozen greek yogurt bars and the pine nut hummus the next day. In earlier years, shopping was mostly a chore. But for some reason, shopping now often brings me an extra measure of gratitude and peace. I feel blessed to have the physical ability, the means, and the time to go out shopping.
I am grateful for Sundays. I enjoy getting away from the world. I appreciate being spiritually renewed. For me, that renewal often comes through music. Such was the case last Sunday when a young lady shared a stunning solo rendition of “How Great Thou Art”, a Christian song that was translated into English by British missionary Stuart K. Hine. The spiritual truths of this hymn were powerfully witnessed to me through the 3rd and 4th verses. I am grateful.
And when I think that God his son not sparing,
Sent him to die – I scarce can take it in,
That on the cross my burden gladly bearing,
He bled and died to take away my sin:
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home- what joy shall fill my heart!
Then I shall bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim, my God, how great thou art!
We saw a delightful patient today. She is 84 years old. Recently she had 80% of her stomach removed due to cancer. 32 lymph nodes were also removed and she just finished her 21st radiation treatment. Yet, she is full of light and optimism. Today, she had these very bright tennis shoes that matched her solid pink pants and patterned pink top. I asked her why she liked wearing such a bright outfit. She said she feels it is uplifting to “wear bright”. What a great example of living life with zest and finding the silver lining in the storms of life.
Check out the video below. The world, and the web in particular, are full of new ideas, new programs, new devices. I find I need to be selective about how much “new” I bring into my life. Otherwise, I can spend all my time looking at new things and not enjoying what I have. Yet the idea of trying “stop motion photography” intrigued me after I learned about it on a recent podcast. I put the ideas to work and really enjoyed the result.